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Are you overspending for Microsoft 365?

You might be surprised to learn that many companies are. While M365 is an absolutely essential tool, not everyone is using it to its full potential. And sometimes, license removal might slip through the cracks during the leaver's process. That's where ALVAO comes in.
Jana Silarova

2. 5. 2023

Unlock Hidden Cost Savings with ALVAO Asset Management's Microsoft 365 Optimization Module

Our Microsoft 365 optimization module connects your M365 administration with usage data, allowing you to spot cost-saving opportunities that you might have otherwise missed.

With our module, you can easily identify:

  • disabled users
  • inactive users, and 
  • users who are eligible for downgrade from E3 to E1 or from E5 to E3,
  • double-licensed users, who are using both per-user and per-device licensing.

By optimizing your M365 licensing, you can typically save between 20-30%. That's a significant cost saving that can go a long way toward improving your bottom line.

cost saving with M365

Microsoft 365 Optimization Report. Click to enlarge the image with the report.

With ALVAO Asset Management, you have access to a suite of powerful tools designed to help you manage your IT assets more effectively

Our Microsoft 365 optimization module is just one of these tools, and it can help you save money by identifying and removing unnecessary licenses.

By using ALVAO Asset Management, you can also gain better visibility into your hardware and software assets, track licenses and contracts, and manage your IT assets more efficiently.

ALVAO Asset Management, Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 Optimization Report: This report will detail how much the company is spending on licenses, how much of that spending is necessary, and ultimately how much the company can save after any optimization issues are addressed. Click to enlarge the image with the report. 

Discover how the Microsoft 365 Optimization Report and ALVAO Asset Management can help your organization save time, money, and resources. 

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