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We know how to adapt ALVAO solutions to hospital needs

How to find a piece of equipment in the labyrinth of a hospital?

With Asset Management, you know exactly where and in what condition your technology is. In the Service Desk, you schedule an inspection slot, at a time suitable for departmental functioning, e.g. on a sanitisation day, without inconveniencing medical staff.

Is your IT department behind schedule, and short of staff?

Then Service Desk is the solution. Nurses/doctors will stop having to make phone calls and emails about something not working. All the requests will go via a single point of contact.

Can one tool serve the entire hospital?

Our system can be used by everyone across the hospital. The ALVAO solution always recognizes who is logged on, whether a doctor, nurse or computer engineer, and accordingly displays their relevant agenda.

Leverage your Microsoft 365 investment 100%

We develop the tools exclusively for Microsoft 365, both in terms of integration and user adoption – you don’t need a manual for our products if you know how to use MS Office.

ALVAO ITSM solutions will streamline IT, even in your hospital

Avoid medical technology downtime with Asset Management

Get clear records that sort your assets by floors, buildings and specific departments (acute nursing care, surgery...). If you should have an equipment malfunction in the operating room, Asset Management can immediately locate the failed equipment, find a replacement in stock and guide the technician to a solution.

ALVAO can pre-empt avoidable failures – it automatically notifies you of devices that need to be checked or something needs to be replaced, such as an expired license.

Risk analysis and monitoring systems in Asset Management will outline possible outages before they might occur – advising of all the risks and their possible solutions.

Service Desk will reduce IT service costs and speed-up end-user support

ALVAO Service Desk will streamline communication between solution requesters and solvers. All requests from the entire hospital and for its IT sections are available at one single point of contact.

Was the request made by the night shift, who are long gone home, yet you need to solve the problem immediately? Service Desk will fine-tune the processes and tailor them to your shifts. All tasks are recorded and traceable – the IT manager gets information that opens higher management’s eyes to the department’s workload.

The IT department gets breathing room to start working efficiently. The team is no longer jumping crazily from one thing to another, disturbed by constant phone calls from staff

G-Cloud, NÚKIB, ISO 27001

ALVAO meets cybersecurity requirements at the highest level

Asset Management & Service Desk is included in the UK eGovernment cloud service catalogue, which allows public administrations to purchase IT services centrally.

ALVAO is ISO 27001 certified, ISO/IEC 27001 is an internationally valid standard that guarantees the security of our products. Our products have passed customer penetration tests – to the OWASP standard (Open Web Application Security Project).

In the event of an emergency, you always know what needs to be dealt with as a matter of priority, so as not to stop the operation of the hospital, not to endanger lives or cause financial losses.

ALVAO is trusted by 30% of medical facilities in Czechia and Slovakia

Including the largest ones

Why Operational Centre of the Slovak Emergency Medical Service chose ALVAO

Watch a video about Marian Podmajersky explaining how Operational Centre of the Slovak Emergency Medical Service uses ALVAO Asset Management and Service Desk in their daily operations.

Zazimal, Deputy Head of Informatics and Cyber Security

Given the great volume of equipment we have in the hospital, Asset Management helps us to maintain a clear asset register sorted by specific buildings, floors and departments, right down to a specific person. Thanks to this, we are able to promptly resolve failures and have an overview of the status of our asset stock.

David Zažímal,

Deputy Head of Informatics and Cyber Security, Jihlava Hospital

Together with ALVAO, the Emergency Medical Service Operations Centre won the Microsoft Awards in the Community Response Award category

Request a personalized demo to learn how we can help your healthcare facility



In the demo, you'll learn:

  • How to better organize internal departments within a healthcare facility
  • How to manage relationships with healthcare service users and stakeholders
  • How the ALVAO ITSM solution can handle incidents and requests efficiently and reduce manual work