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We’ll ease your transition to a modern inventory management that saves time and money

Inventory-taking before ALVAO

IT used to take stock over several weeks. A technician had to go around the entire company and tick off thousands of items found.

Physical inventory-taking with ALVAO

Stick barcodes on your assets, buy hand-held barcode readers and scan everything. The output goes into ALVAO Asset Management, giving you an overview so you can plan investments based on hard data.

Web-based inventory-taking with ALVAO

Web inventory takes just a few days, and the IT department is not overwhelmed by it, so can devote time to more essential activities – just one person gets tasked with the inventory.

How web inventory audit works

All assets in ALVAO Asset Management are registered per user – so specific owners are responsible for their records.

At the onset, users get an email about the inventorization in progress.

From that message they click straight through to the web portal where they see all their entrusted assets. They simply confirm what they really have and submit the form.

With ALVAO, asset inventorization is slick and smooth

Fast, efficient and cheaper

Start taking stock efficiently and people will stop seeing it as needless bureaucracy. A transparent approach to inventory-taking, where staff themselves participate, draws the users onside, into the entire process.

Asset inventory audit in ALVAO

Do you own assets not registered per user but ‘owned’ by an entire warehouse or department? In ALVAO Asset Management, you combine online and physical inventory-taking. Assets registered per user are confirmed by the users themselves, and the kit without an assigned user gets registered by your staff.

Accurate data from ALVAO, integrated into your systems

The inventory data becomes 100% accurate – IT can plan the budget ‘spot on’ so you don’t waste money on surplus equipment. You can simply export the inventory results and upload them to your ERP or accounting system, where you can process the outputs.

Fine-tuned workflows

If you have forgetful colleagues who haven’t confirmed their assets, you can send reminder emails until they do respond. Just set up appropriate intermediate steps to streamline the entire process, such as alerting your supervisor or increasing the frequency of reminders.

“By moving to self-service, where everyone confirms their own assets, our inventory-taking has become timely. In view of that we have even included other assets such as keys and company seals in our inventory.”

Aleš Kruczek, IT and Project Office Director, ALD Automotive

“We have connected ALVAO with the accounting system, so each time we verify our inventory we automatically update the location of the registered assets according to the inventory findings and correct any discrepancies.”

Pavel Špaček, ICT Asset Manager, Pardubice Region Hospitals

Inventorization capabilities in ALVAO ITSM products

Inventorizing with ALVAO Asset Management

Inventorization is an add-on module for ALVAO Asset Management, and one of the most popular with our customers, used in a whole range of industry sectors, by hundreds of companies and organizations.

Connecting Inventorization to ALVAO Service Desk

We can connect the asset inventory functionality to your own helpdesk tool, but it works best with ALVAO Service Desk. Inventorization gets prompted annually, quite automatically. Under the Inventorization ticket you can communicate with colleagues, agree next steps and keep notes, too – everyone who needs to have access to the request and the inventorization is evident, and transparency makes things happen even faster.

Want to take the hassle out of Asset inventory management?


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Set up an appointment and let us introduce you to how Asset inventory management in ALVAO can help you get smoother and more efficient inventory with fine-tuned workflows

Get rid of unnecessary manual work.