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Improving IT services in hospitals in the Vysočina Region

The Vysočina Region has five hospitals under its remit on its territory. The hospitals at Jihlava, Třebíč, Nové Město na Moravě and Havlíčkův Brod are modern medical facilities that provide health care including outpatient and inpatient basic and specialized diagnostic and therapeutic care, necessary preventive care and pharmacy activities. In many healthcare domains these facilities also provide highly specialized care.

What were the customer’s issues and why?

What were the customer’s issues and why?

The initiative to improve the IT services provided in the hospitals of the Vysočina Region went ahead through individual implementation projects, coordinated both materially and organizationally. The IT starting situations of the respective hospitals varied, and so based on this, more specific and detailed project goals were set.

David Zažímal, Head of the ICT Department at Jihlava Hospital and at the same time eHealth Coordinator of the Vysočina Region, working together with the heads of ICT departments of other hospitals, identified there being a long-term trend of growing demands on the quantity and quality of IT services to be provided, while trying to keep staff resources at the same level.

This made it necessary to attain a qualitative change, while also setting clear expectations of what ICT departments were able to provide, and under what conditions. The existing equipment support was not commensurate with taking this direction and so tenders were issued to select a suitable tool for meeting the defined criteria, a key characteristic being demonstrable compatibility with the ITIL® framework.

Scope and description of the project

Approximate extent:

  • 3500 computers and servers
  • 4500 employees, of which 2800 were users (potential requesters)
  • dozens of freelancers

The objectives of the projects were defined, always under two headings (Improvement of service support and Effective management of ICT assets), and these were addressed on the basis of analysis of the situation of specific hospitals and programme-level coordination (see below), differing in orders or priority and their extents. Partial findings from the respective hospitals served as inspiration and input for discussion with CIOs in the remaining hospitals – this made it possible to appropriately manage expectations and thus achieve improvements in contributing areas relatively quickly.

Which qualities does the customer appreciate the most?

Which qualities does the customer appreciate the most?

More effective and clear-cut approval processes and at the same time traceability of approved requirements. More effective and better communication between requesters and solvers and clear-cut traceability. More effective and optimized decision-making on the purchase of new ICT assets (hardware and software) with consequent reduction in cost of ICT investments. Provision of clear reports regarding ALVAO Asset Management. More effective records of all assets under ICT department administration.

Considerable attention was paid to the area of Software Asset Management (SAM), maintaining licensing probity, while effectively managing allocated funds. “I am better able to regulate the allocation of licences, e.g. in relation to the hiring and departure of staff.” David Zažímal

Benefits for the customer

Thanks to improved team organization, the cost of IT services has been reduced. There are clear definitions of the services IT provides, who is responsible for any part of these services, who is notified in case of approaching deadline/inactivity. “ICT staff have more capacity to deal with requests in a meaningful way. They aren’t jumping from one thing to another and getting distracted. All tasks are recorded, whether they are requests from users or within the IT team.” David Zažímal, Head of ICT Department at Jihlava Hospital, eHealth Coordinator of the Vysočina Region Satisfaction with the system prevails also among ordinary users. “We gained the trust of the staff when they saw that the requests entered would not get lost, were dealt with quickly and phoning around would not speed anything up.” David Zažímal