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ICT record-keeping in the Pilsen Municipal Transport Co (PMDP)

Until 2004, PMDP did not have an efficient enough central system of record-keeping of physical ICT resources. Although accurate accounting records were kept, no tool was available for the purpose of effective management of ICT resource movements. Any requirements for reports on the physical assignment of assets required a disproportionate amount of time from IT staff, it was difficult to keep track of the effectiveness of using the entrusted assets, and plans for ICT modernizations and replacements were often held back by subjective feelings rather than the objective technical condition of those assets.

Scope and description of the project

Scope and description of the project

Using ALVAO Asset Management, PMDP keeps track of some 300 computers in active use across 4 locations. Implementation schedule – Installation was carried out in 2005 as per the project plan, comprising several steps with the active participation of all IT department staff.

They undertook a thorough physical inventory of all ICT equipment throughout the company and prepared the data for entry into the asset configuration database. Customer satisfaction with project management and timetable. Thanks to precise coordination of the necessary activities, the system was implemented on the approved schedule and without complications.

Which qualities does the customer appreciate the most?

  • Speed of searching for the necessary information from the database
  • Clarity of information in the tree scheme, which can be easily modified according to the actual physical location of each given asset
  • Reporting options for obtaining overview information about individual types of assets
  • Support for the creation of preventive maintenance timesheets
  • Overviews of licensed SW installations
  • Perfect overview of assets entrusted to the responsibility of specific persons
  • When moving assets between users, it is very easy to generate transfer tickets that serve as a basis for updating data in the accounting system
  • The system allows multi-user access – individual users do not get in each other’s way while working at the same time
Benefits for the customer

Benefits for the customer

  • The Asset Management configuration database is a great boon because it allows you to optimize HW and SW purchases based on real needs
  • Savings in the purchase of SW licenses, as there is a clear overview of their numbers and use.
  • Saving time when ordering maintenance – the necessary technical parameters of the device are immediately available
  • Prevention of equipment failures thanks to the support for prophylaxis (planned maintenance) planning
  • Verifying the return of entrusted assets during employee transfers

Overall, there has been a significant saving of time and costs in ICT administration.